Welcome to the chocolate box!
The following are horses presently available. Selected for quality, character and true type to the breed. Correct conformation and movement being of vital importance.
1 – Very special Luso (Sire) cross PRE (Dam) stallion/six years/1 62m/Advanced trained (established piaffe, passage, flying changes, tempi changes, Spanish walk and trot)/Normal Passport/Piro free.
2 – Bay PRE Stallion/Six years/1 66m/Base dressage ridden/Bloodlines include: Yeguada Candau and Granda/ANCCE passport/Piro free.
3 – Grey PRE Stallion/Four years/1 68m/Base dressage, Spanish Walk, initiating Piaffe and ridden out/Bloodlines include: Yeguada Marin Garcia and Yeguada Militar (Olympic lines)/ANCCE passport/Piro positive.
4 – Grey PRE Stallion/Five years/1 76m/Spectacular mover with good base of dressage/Bloodlines include: Yeguada Peralta, Yeguada Rojas Palatin and Yeguada Lovera/ANCCE passport/Piro free.
5 – Black PRE Stallion/Five years/1 70m/Medium level dressage and has been competed/Bloodlines include: Yeguada Militar/ANCCE passport/Piro free.
6 – Grey PRE Stallion/Seven years/1 65m/Advance trained dressage (piaffe, passage and changes)/Bloodlines include: Yeguada Santiago Ruiz and Yeguada Candau/ANCCE passport/Not Piro tested.
7 – Bay PRE gelding/five years/1 68m/Good base of dressage training (piaffe, passage and counter canter initiated), ridden out and basic competed/Bloodlines include: Yeguada Militar (Son of Nelson) and Mother a mare bred by the Royal Spanish Riding School (Jerez)/ANCCE passport/Piro free.
8 – Grey PRE stallion/Four years/1 65m at present/Base trained plus initiating Spanish walk and Piaffe/Bloodlines closed in Granda/ANCCE Passport/Not Piro tested.
9 – Grey PRE stallion/five years/1 68m/Good base of dressage training (piaffe, passage, counter canter and changes initiated) and ridden out/Bloodlines include: Yeguada Hermanos Camancho Benitez and Yeguada GonzaloValenzuela Ruiz/ANCCE passport/Not Piro tested.
10 – Bay PRE stallion/Four and a half years/1 65m at present/Basic dressage level and ridden out/Bloodlines include: Yeguada Militar and Fermin Bohorquez/ANCCE passport/Certified Basic Reproductor/Not Piro tested.
If you are interested in any of the horses above, require further information, or, would like to know of other beautiful horses available please email: eliteandalusians@yahoo.es